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French Fridays with Dorie

Hi, Fellow FFWDers!
Beginning January 2011, I’m relocating new FFWD posts to this section, outside of the main blog post stream.

Too many complaints. Foodies love recipes, and I frankly agree it’s torture to present a delicious dish only to say, sorry, you’ll have to buy the book.

I do understand the author’s point-of-view, however. She has bills to pay. And having spent 15 years in publishing biz myself — with some of those years paying my own bills solely by selling what I wrote — I’m in no position to argue her stance.
Fans of FFWD will find this section in the right hand sidebar navigation. New FFWD posts will not appear on the home page post stream, nor are they published via email or RSS feed.
I likely will not be posting an FFWD every week. Time is precious, and the leisure to cook new dishes seems to shrink with every passing year. I haven’t quite figured out why, but I’m sure it has something to do with the space-time continuum. Damn space-time continuum. I can curse the space-time continuum because I was tortured with it for long stretches in college. The space-time continuum is the concept of working with mathematical models that assume a 3+1 dimensional universe. See? Curses [shakes fist].
The index of FFWD recipes appears below. I will continue my previous practice of including the recipe and directions if I find them published elsewhere on the interwebs. Otherwise, please do not be terribly disappointed if you get to the end of a post only to find no recipe.
3 Comments leave one →
  1. January 23, 2011 5:22 pm

    I was considering joining FFWD because I bought the cookbook recently and I absolutely love everything I’ve made so far. I decided not to join, however, because I would feel bad showing people that lovely food and not being able to post the recipe. I understand the reasoning behind the concept of not posting the recipe, the cookbook is lovely and everyone who loves food should buy a copy.

    I love love love your blog, Soup Addict. I wish you lived close enough so we could cook (and drink) together!

  2. SoupAddict permalink
    January 23, 2011 10:28 pm

    Aw, Rocky – how fun would that be!

    Having made probably 2 dozen recipes from the book now, the irony is that these are the kinds of recipes that really need to be spread throughout the foodie world. You know how frustrating it is to waste your time on a dud of a recipe. Even the Food Network, with their “chefs” – I stopped subscribing to their magazine after the first year because half the recipes were like, wtf?

    Och, I must stop before I go off on a rant… 😉

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